Saturday, January 26, 2013

Visiting Japan : Part 1 Getting Here

I have many friends and family who'd like to visit while we are stationed in Japan. Two of which always email me within 2 hours of each other with questions about the trip :) As a result I will be creating a series of posts to guide anyone who would like to come visit me specifically. While there will be general useful tips too, the random reader should heed this warning.


We live in Yokohama.
There are 2 major aiports to fly into Japan. Narita, which is North of Tokyo and Haneda, which is South of Tokyo. While there are more flights to Narita, it is about 2 hours to Yokohama via public transit (and lots of transfers) or 90 minutes via Narita Express Train (4,100 Yen).
Haneda has fewer flights but it takes 21 minutes via two public transit trains and only 440 Yen.
After 20 hours of travel I was VERY grateful that I flew into Haneda. If you fly into Haneda I will probably meet you at the airport, I won't do that for Narita!

Japanese LOVE travel agents. They don't have a billion cheap travel sites. Other than your standard sites (Orbitz, Kayak, CheapFlights, and regular Airlines) take a look at these local companies for flights and tour information.

Don't worry about not speaking Japanese. Most of the signs are also in English!
See how there's a point on the left side of the green stripe?
That means that's the direction the train is traveling. 
You are at Yokohama Station and the next stop is Sakuragicho. The last stop you were at was Higashi-Kanagawa. 
You will see these type of signs at almost all of the stations. 

You may get a little confused and second guess yourself at times. Just ask a platform or train conductor. They all have hats like this guy. Some have blazers, microphones or flags. 

Most Japanese studied english in school, that doesn't mean they've been practicing so speak slow and smile. If they can't help they will find someone who can. 

How to pronounce Yokohama
How to pronounce "Excuse Me" 

Wave and say "Su-mi-ma-sen". Point to the train in question. Ask "Yokohama?"

I have tested this method dozens of times, from conductors, to old ladies, to 20 somethings. It works. 90% of the time you will be on the correct train- or A correct train. 
It may be a local but you'll get here, a long as you're going in the right direction. Most trains lead to Yokohama, as it's the 2nd largest city in Japan and Yokohama Station in a huge transportation hub. 

Check with your carrier about international roaming charges. Figure out how to turn everything off except your wi-fi, or your 3G if you want to spend a little extra. Or borrow someone's iPod Touch

The streets here are more confusing than London. Nothing is in a straight line, they don't use "blocks" for directions they use landmarks and most of the street signs are NOT in English or Romanji. So having that GPS on your phone makes traveling on your own much more efficient. 

Want to ask a store keeper a question and they dont speak any English?
Type in your question. Turn your phone horizontal to have the text fill the whole screen and show to the person.
Or press the  symbol to have the app speak for you

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